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Make-up artist, master hairdresser, body painting artist, model, photographer from Rostock with a passion for body painting and creative styling. I have a good sense of aesthetics and know what looks good on people. My passion is to optimize the appearance, be it with a natural no-makeup look or creative fantasy styling.

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How I Came to Makeup

After graduating from high school and dropping out of college, I was faced with the question of what career path I wanted to take. My idea at the time was to become a make-up artist, and I was advised to start an apprenticeship as a hairdresser - because a solid education in this area is considered to be the ideal foundation for make-up artistry.

So I decided to become a hairdresser. During the three-year training, I was not only able to learn the craft of hairdressing, but also delve deeply into the world of make-up. My trainer and the vocational school enabled me to continually expand my knowledge of skin care, make-up techniques and hygiene. I was lucky enough to try out different techniques and work with high-quality products. In the salon, I was able to practice on real models and thus continue to perfect my skills.

In addition, I researched everything I needed to know about makeup online - from skin texture balancing to special techniques. YouTube tutorials and online courses were a valuable addition.


I now have almost ten years of experience in doing people's makeup for a wide variety of occasions: weddings, events, business photo shoots, beauty shoots, and advertising and film shoots. For each of these jobs, I always strive to ensure that the look fits the person and the job perfectly.


The dream of becoming a make-up artist turned into the reality of a freelance make-up and body painting artist.




Freelance work as a full-time make-up and body painting artist.


master hairdresser, Rostock

Six month  after completing my hairdressing apprenticeship, I started training to become a master hairdresser.

Worked as a hairdresser for a total of 7 years.


Friseurgesellin, Rostock 

After attempting to study sociology and educational sciences at the University of Rostock, I decided to start a apprenticeship as a hairdresser.


Teilzeit Selbstständig

In addition to my studies, I started my own business as a children’s make-up artist

Since the beginning of the training in 2015 also working as a make-up artist


Abitur, Europaschule Rövershagen

but my great passion is body painting

Even in elementary school, I was gripped by the magic of transformation - I remember being deeply fascinated when watching the recording of the musical "Cats".

The way this strong styling emphasized the different characters and turned people into cats inspired my younger self. I had never seen a musical before then.

I was also fascinated by the ritual body paintings of indigenous peoples, which are more than art – they tell stories, underline identity and bring spirituality visibly onto the skin.

With the arrival of the Internet in our living room, the great world of body painting opened up to me. For me, it is much more than just paint on the skin. It is expression, an art form and metamorphosis - a language without words that touches me deeply and never lets go.


Ende 2018 entdeckte ich die therapeutische Power der Farben auf meiner Haut. Ich ließ zum ersten Mal los, ohne Erfolgsdruck und einer Idee vom Ergebnis. Ich habe instinktiv gemalt und alles Verfügbare genutzt, um das bestimmte Gefühl darzustellen. Ich war schwarz, blau und spie Blut. Ich schrie und heulte. Weil es so absurd  und befreiend war, lachte ich auch viel. Es war ein Fest schrecklicher Gefühle. Ich liebe die entstandene Serie! Es war der Anfang von etwas Neuem. Kunsttherapie auf der eigenen Haut. Tiefer kann man kaum malen. Wenn ich etwas Schweres auf die Haut bringe, fühlt sich das Gefühl gesehen und lässt nach. Vor allem die schlimmen Gefühle. Die Information sickert durch die Haut. Die Farbe verschwindet am Ende zeremoniell im Abfluss.

sun goddess.jpg
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